ALBA-TCP Condemns Theft of Venezuelan Plane in Argentina

February 12, 2024 Hour: 8:33 am

On Sunday, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) repudiated the misappropriation of a Venezuelan aircraft held in Argentina since 2022.


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“The member states of the ALBA-TCP reiterate their strong repudiation of the actions intended to perpetrate the theft of the Boeing 747 aircraft owned by Southern Aerocargo Transport Company (EMTRASUR), a subsidiary of the Venezuelan airline CONVIASA, hijacked in Argentina since 2022, ” the ALBA-TCP stated.

“These related actions flagrantly violate the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the United Nations Charter and other existing agreements to international law,” it added.

“The ALBA-TCP once again joins the demand of the people and the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and supports the legal, diplomatic, and political actions that Venezuelan institutions have undertaken to prevent the illegal appropriation of its assets.”

This regional integration group also regretted that Argentine President Javier Milei’s administration supports actions that clearly violate international regimes related to aviation.

“This aggression is another consequence of the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States, which threatens the sovereignty of Venezuela and violates the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter and international law,” the ALBA-TCP pointed out.

“ALBA-TCP regrets that the Argentine government offers itself for such practices that violate sovereignty and the principle of non-interference and once again calls on the international community to denounce this situation,” it added.

The EMTRASUR plane was arbitrarily detained in Ezeiza Argentina in June 2022 despite the fact that there is no evidence of irregularities regarding its crew, its flight program, and the cargo it was transporting at the time of its retention.

In January, however, Argentine judge Federico Villena issued an order that extends the illegal retention of the plane and specifies the order for its confiscation.

“Venezuela’s EMTRASUR plane was hijacked for two years in Argentina during the Alberto Fernandez administration. Currently, the Milei administration allows the United States to officially steal it and take it to Miami,” Mision Verdad denounced.

A little before midnight on Sunday, the Venezuelan aircraft was stolen from the Ezeiza airport. It flew over Peru, Ecuador and Colombia before crossing the Caribbean towards Miami, according to HispanTV correspondent Marcos Salgado.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: ALBA-TCP - HispanTV - Mision Verdad

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